Instructions for use


After a long delay the Memories Project has moved forward. It is a joint effort that has taken time to find its form incorporating contribtions received over many months. The site is meant to be dynamic, promoting contact and inviting expansion. Any person who has something to share is invited to contribute. For the purpose of documentation most important are stories, reflections on personal experiences, reminiscence of important moments and events. The information gathered can be a resource if a decision is someday made to put the Casa Cares' history into book form.

How to use

The site is a summary of the history of Casa Cares 1962-2015 divided into seven phases. Each phase offers contributions of individuals and photographs. In the contributions a year is indicated sometimes with a "+" which signifies multiple visits. A separate section is dedicated to special topics. Elaborations, corrections, and suggestions are encouraged. For the photos, captions need correction with names and years. An attempt has been made to limit the amount in order that the sections do not become cumbersome, but at the same time many important persons are missing. One section is full of items but not many photos of persons because we have few. The last! That is, of course, when digital took over. With all these issues we need your help.


One of the basic challenges has been language. The Google translator can be very good but of course has its limits, so, if used, this should be kept in mind. Summaries are in Italian and English. and a German translation will prove amusing at times. Example? Villa I Graffi becomes Villa "Scratches"! It was decided not to "improve" anyone's contribution. Each has been left in the original language with some persons providing translations of their own texts.


Photographs have been identified when possible. Improvements would be appreciated, including the addition of others. If for privacy's sake something needs to be changed, let us know. E-mail addresses are available for almost all the participants as well as for many others, such as "caresini", those involved in the children's home, now living in Italy, Switzerland, and outside of Europe, and some past employees and volunteers. If you want to contact someone, please write and, if possible, your request will be passed on to the interested party. To protect everyones privacy, it was decided not to simply publish all the addresses.

Financing the project

The site has been realized thanks to a donation from Giulietta Nunzi, a friend of Casa Cares from its founding who passed away in 2017. We thank her and hope she enjoys it from her heavenly throne. Contact me if you want to contribute to the annual maintenance fee.